Twelve requirements for digital HR instruments

Empathy, trust, responsibility and diversity are crucial to enable companies to successfully innovate and evolve – and remain competitive. Digital HR instruments should be designed to support the factors governing the success of human actions, rather than treating them as mere irritants.

Free Space for Decision Making should come before pre-structured solutions
  1. Digital instruments should increase the range of options, rather than reducing them to a single, instant solution.
  2. Digital instruments should promote courage and determination, rather than assuming that good data obviates the need for active individual decision-making.
  3. Digital instruments should encourage active thinking and experimentation at all levels of activity, rather than reducing individuals to mere passive executants.
Illustration: The Ability to Change should come before Infallible Predicions
  1. Digital instruments should allow for individuals to develop, rather than portraying them as consistent and unchanging.
  2. Digital instruments should enable tasks and requirements to evolve, rather than aiming at a static, perfect fit.
  3. Digital instruments should encourage empathetic relationships, rather than eliminating, automating or even just simulating them.


Illustration: Empowerment and Trust should come before Rigid Standardization
  1. Digital instruments should make visible the full range of different ideas and problems, rather than streamlining behavior.
  2. Digital instruments should offer practical scope for decision-making, rather than forcing everything into predetermined patterns.
  3. Digital instruments should create a safe space for secrets and provisional ideas, rather than making everything instantly visible and assessable.
Illustration: Individuelle Responsibility should come before Anonymous Processes
  1. Digital instruments should strengthen individual responsibility within collaboration, rather than watering it down through inconsequential participation.
  2. Digital instruments should deliberately offer scope for off-piste ideas and exceptions, rather than excluding the possibility of deviating from the status quo.
  3. Digital instruments should ensure transparent criteria and methods for evaluating individuals and their performance, rather than enabling assessors to hide behind algorithms.

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